Twenty-five years ago, Ni Meijuan earned $19 a month working the spinning machines at a vast textile factory in the Chinese city of Hangzhou.
Now at the Keer Group’s cotton mill in South Carolina, which opened in March, Ms. Ni is training American workers to do the job she used to do.
“They’re quick learners,” Ms. Ni said after showing two fresh recruits how to tease errant wisps of cotton from the machines’ grinding gears. “But they have to learn to be quicker.”
Textile producers from formerly low-cost nations are starting to set up shop in America. It is part of a blurring of once seemingly clear-cut boundaries between high- and low-cost manufacturing nations that few would have predicted a decade ago.
圖片來源/Kimberly Vardeman(CC BY-SA 2.0)
Textile production in China is becoming increasingly unprofitable after years of rising wages, higher energy bills and mounting logistical costs, as well as new government quotas on the import of cotton. At the same time, manufacturing costs in the United States are becoming more competitive. In Lancaster County, where Indian Land is located, Keer has found residents desperate for work, even at depressed wages, as well as access to cheap and abundant land and energy and heavily subsidized cotton.
Politicians, from the county to the state to the federal government, have raced to ply Keer with grants and tax breaks to bring back manufacturing jobs once thought to be lost forever.
The prospect of a sweeping Pacific trade agreement that is led by the United States, and excludes China, is also driving Chinese yarn companies to gain a foothold here, lest they be shut out of the lucrative American market.
Keer’s $218 million mill spins yarn from raw cotton to sell to textile makers across Asia. Keer still spins much of its yarn in China, importing the raw cotton from America, but that is changing.
“The reasons for Keer coming here? Incentives, land, the environment, the workers,” Zhu Shanqing, Keer’s chairman, said on a recent trip to the United States.
“In China, the whole yarn manufacturing industry is losing money,” he added. “In America, it’s very differe如何背英文單字比較快n如何背英文單字比較快t.”
Since Beijing and Washington resumed trade relations in the early 1970s, the United States has mostly run a huge trade deficit, as Americans consumed billions of dollars in cheap electronics, apparel and other Chinese goods.
But surging labor and energy costs in China are eroding its competitiveness in manufacturing. According to the Boston Consulting Group, manufacturing wages adjusted for productivity almost tripled in China in a decade, to about $12.47 an hour last year from $4.35 an hour in 2004.
In the United States, manufacturing wages adjusted for productivity have risen less than 30 percent since 2004, to $22.32 an hour, according to the consulting firm. And the higher wages for American workers are offset by lower natural gas prices, as well as inexpensive cotton and local tax breaks and subsidies.
Today, for every $1 required to manufacture in the United States, Boston Consulting estimates that it costs 96 cents to manufacture in China. Yarn production costs in China are now 30 percent higher than in the United States, according to the International Textile Manufacturers Federation.
“Everybody believed that China would always be cheaper,” said Harold L. Sirkin, a senior partner at Boston Consulting. “But things are changing even faster than anyone imagined.”
「所有人都認定,中國的生產成本總是比較便宜,」波士頓諮詢公司資深合夥人哈樂德.L. 塞金說,「但情況變化的速度比所有人想像的都快。」
Rising costs in China are causing a shift of some types of manufacturing to lower-cost countries like Bangladesh, India and Vietnam. In many cases, the exodus has been led by the Chinese themselves, who have aggressively moved to set up manufacturing bases elsewhere.
2015-08-13 13:42:00
(影音內容建議利用 Firefox、Google Chrome 瀏覽器,方能觀賞最佳內容)
教育孩子向來是一門高深的學問,要如何拿捏尺度,給予孩子適當空間卻又不過度放任,進而教育出獨立又有責任感的孩子,是所有家長都在摸索的功課。美國孩童教育暢銷書籍作者 Laura Markham 博士提供三個要點,掌握這三個原則,就能幫助孩子成長喔!
1. 讓孩子選擇
2. 取代處罰,帶領孩子解決問題
3. 以同理心設下限制
※ in terms of 就...方面來說
Instead, think in terms of problem-solving.(取而代之地,就解決問題方面來思考。)
※ figure out 想出、理解
So, we look at the problem and we help our child figure out...(所以,我們研究那問題,然後我們幫助孩子解決...)
※ think for oneself 獨立思考
And in fact, there's a lot of research that demanding parents don't raise kids who think for themselves...(事實上,有許多研究指出,要求多的父母養不出能獨立思考的孩子...)
From 2000 to 2014, Chinese companies invested $46 billion on new projects and acquisitions in the United States. The Carolinas are now home to at least 20 Chinese manufacturers.
“I never thought the Chinese would be the ones bringing textile jobs back,” said Keith Tunnell, president of the Lancaster County Economic Development Corporation.
(張佑生譯)Twenty-five years ago, Ni Meijuan earned $19 a month working the spinning machines at a vast textile factory in the Chinese city of Hangzhou.
Now at the Keer Group’s cotton mill in South Carolina, which opened in March, Ms. Ni is training American workers to do the job she used to do.
“They’re quick learners,” Ms. Ni said after showing two fresh recruits how to tease errant wisps of cotton from the machines’ grinding gears. “But they have to learn to be quicker.”
Textile producers from formerly low-cost nations are starting to set up shop in America. It is part of a blurring of once seemingly clear-cut boundaries between high- and low-cost manufacturing nations that few would have predicted a decade ago.
圖片來源/Kimberly Vardeman(CC BY-SA 2.0)
Textile production in China is becoming increasingly unprofitable after years of rising wages, higher energy bills and mounting logistical costs, as well as new government quotas on the import of cotton. At the same time, manufacturing costs in the United States are becoming more competitive. In Lancaster County, where Indian Land is located, Keer has found residents desperate for work, even at depressed wages, as well as access to cheap and abundant land and energy and heavily subsidized cotton.
Politicians, from the county to the state to the federal government, have raced to ply Keer with grants and tax breaks to bring back manufacturing jobs once thought to be lost forever.
The prospect of a sweeping Pacific trade agreement that is led by the United States, and excludes China, is also driving Chinese yarn companies to gain a foothold here, lest they be shut out of the lucrative American market.
Keer’s $218 million mill spins yarn from raw cotton to sell to textile makers across Asia. Keer still spins much of its yarn in China, importing the raw cotton from America, but that is changing.
“The reasons for Keer coming here? Incentives, land, the environment, the workers,” Zhu Shanqing, Keer’s chairman, said on a recent trip to the United States.
“In China, the whole yarn manufacturing industry is losing money,” he added. “In America, it’s very different.”
Since Beijing and Washington resumed trade relations in the early 1970s, the United States has mostly run a huge trade deficit, as Americans consumed billions of dollars in cheap electronics, apparel and other Chinese goods.
But surging labor and energy costs in China are eroding its competitiveness in manufacturing. According to the Boston Consulting Group, manufacturing wages adjusted for productivity almost tripled in China in a decade, to about $12.47 an hour last year from $4.35 an hour in 2004.
In the United States, manufacturing wages adjusted for productivity have risen less than 30 percent since 2004, to $22.32 an hour, according to the consulting firm. And the higher wages for American workers are offset by lower natural gas prices, as well as inexpensive cotton and local tax breaks and subsidies.
Today, for every $1 required to manufacture in the United States, Boston Consulting estimates that it costs 96 cents to manufacture in China. Yarn production costs in China are now 30 percent higher than in the United States, according to the International Textile Manufacturers Federation.
“Everybody believed that China would always be cheaper,” said Harold L. Sirkin, a senior partner at Boston Consulting. “But things are changing even faster than anyone imagined.”
「所有人都認定,中國的生產成本總是比較便宜,」波士頓諮詢公司資深合夥人哈樂德.L. 塞金說,「但情況變化的速度比所有人想像的都快。」
Rising costs in China are causing a shift of some types of manufacturing to lower-cost countries like Bangladesh, India and Vietnam. In many cases, the exodus has been led by the Chinese themselves, who have aggressively moved to set up manufacturing bases elsewhere.
2015-08-13 13:42:00
(影音內容建議利用 Firefox、Google Chrome 瀏覽器,方能觀賞最佳內容)
教育孩子向來是一門高深的學問,要如何拿捏尺度,給予孩子適當空間卻又不過度放任,進而教育出獨立又有責任感的孩子,是所有家長都在摸索的功課。美國孩童教育暢銷書籍作者 Laura Markham 博士提供三個要點,掌握這三個原則,就能幫助孩子成長喔!
1. 讓孩子選擇
2. 取代處罰,帶領孩子解決問題
3. 以同理心設下限制
※ in terms of 就...方面來說
Instead, think in terms of problem-solving.(取而代之地,就解決問題方面來思考。)
※ figure out 想出、理解
So, we look at the problem and we help our child figure out...(所以,我們研究那問題,然後我們幫助孩子解決...)
※ think for oneself 獨立思考
And in fact, there's a lot of research that demanding parents don't raise kids who think for themselves...(事實上,有許多研究指出,要求多的父母養不出能獨立思考的孩子...)
From 2000 to 2014, Chinese companies invested $46 billion on new projects and acquisitions in the United States. The Carolinas are now home to at least 20 Chinese manufacturers.
“I never thought the Chinese would be the ones bringing textile jobs back,” said Keith Tunnell, president of the Lancaster County Economic Development Corporation.
根據人力銀行調查,有80%的同學打算在新學期打工。希望的平均時薪是303元,最夢幻的打工職缺,前幾名分別是家教、展場show girl以及外拍模特兒。
夢想中打工職缺與現實也有落差,家教、展場SHOW GIRL、外拍模特兒,或是外包接案,像是翻譯或設計等,因為報酬率高,囊括夢幻打工的前幾名。不過實際上,考量兼顧課業與專業性等因素,實際上最多同學,還是從事超商、速食店店員、家教以及餐廳服務生等,工時較為彈性的工作。
Meliss筆者多年前看過一部中國紀錄片《瘋狂英語》。「瘋狂英語」創辦人李陽以土法煉鋼手法,把學英語變成毛式群眾運動,再滲入愛國主義,成為「英語教主」,蔚為奇觀。 李陽雖因而名成利就,最後卻惹上連串是非,故事值得另案討論。不過,這裏要說的是李教主一句跟日本人說的口號:「要想學英文,請找中國人!」這是他為說服國人 ...
如果是教國小國中的補習班,會有漂亮活潑的老師,費盡心力設計課程,帶學生用英語做活動、玩遊戲。這些補習班,可能讓學生蠻開心,但是其實沒有學到英文。例如,Melissa國中的英語會話課中,老師帶他們玩一個「比手劃腳猜單字」的遊戲,一個小朋友要讓同伴猜 "train" 這個單字,總是會先比出「火」的手勢,然後是「車」,同學就會猜到 "train" 。現在回想,其實這樣的遊戲沒什麼效益,反而加強了中式英語的思考習慣。